10 Tips for Organizing Your Gmail: Complete YouTube Playlist

Happy New Year!

Are you setting intentions and resolutions for the New Year? Are you hoping to get more organized? If so, consider starting by organizing your Gmail account!

Why should you organize your Gmail account?

There are several reasons why you might want to organize your Gmail account while also getting the most out of your Gmail features:

  1. Reduced stress: A cluttered inbox can be overwhelming. An organized inbox is much more manageable and can motivate you to stay on top of your personal and professional emails. 
  2. Avoid missing or losing important emails: Filters and labels to automatically move emails from specific senders or by keywords into designated folders. This helps prevent important emails from getting lost in your inbox.
  3. Better communication: When you’re able to quickly find an email, you can respond to it more quickly. 
  4. Increased productivity: Create tasks and events right from your Gmail account to streamline your workflow.

Overall, organizing your Gmail account can help you be much more efficient.

What Tips Are in the Playlist?

I carefully selected what I believe to be the most important tips for organizing your inbox and perhaps even accomplishing “Inbox Zero”!

You may navigate through the playlist by clicking on the three lines with the arrow located in the top right corner of the video below. See image.

How is your inbox looking these days? Have you achieved “inbox zero?” Are any of these tips helpful? I’d love to hear from you!

Passionate about all things edtech.


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